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Page history last edited by Josh Mika 16 years, 1 month ago

I can learn anywhere...Welcome to the iPodject Wiki!

An exploration of iPods in education

What is the iPodject Wiki?

The goal of this collaborative online tool is to continue learning and sharing about handheld computers and how they can become an integral part of learning.  Currently this wiki will focus solely on the most popular mp3 player on the market, the iPod Classic.  While it is somewhat limiting when compared to other handheld computing devices, its popularity and ease of use make it a logical stepping stone to help users identify with handheld computers and learning.


How do I use this wiki?

Most likely you're visiting this wiki after viewing my first iPods in Education video or you've been redirected by the iPodject blog.  There are several possibilities on how to use this wiki to your benefit, but you can narrow it down to three:

  1. Read & Learn - Feel free to peruse the site and see what resources are here.  Begin by reading about the educational use of iPods in the news.
  2. Interact & Share - Once you do that you may want to look over the links and ideas about how to use them in your classroom.  If you see a hole or have an idea, login and share your ideas or links.
  3. Use & Promote - Take some of the ideas listed here and use them!  Whether it be on your personal iPod or for use in a classroom, turn this device from a music player to an multimedia experience and share with others.


Updated: July 28, 2008
References: Sketch Zen by tico24 (Creative Commons License: Attribution)

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